Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Hey friends,

I did not want to be the one to tell you this but umh...
the band Photons, well...
they sort of got into an accident.
Their two honda civics exploded during their last Nevada City tour and they were never seen or heard from again.

Oddly enough, it seems their burnt and twisted remains were pulled from the wreckage and sold to scientist who specialised in zombie cloning techniques so you can find their exact replicas in a band called Okay Jose. (which is currently rocking its way through the heart of SF as you read these very words!)

Two of the original cast have gone missing however.

Be alert, if you encounter either Calvin Liu, or James Parrish, do not attempt to feed them, they are zombies and they will eat your brain!

And as for Sara, well she is making a documentary about the whole thing, because she was smart of enough to catch her own ride to the show.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Thank you all for coming to the Make-Out Room the other night!
You really showed up in full force and made us feel special!
It was a great way to come back after six months of writing new material!
We are all really glad you liked it!

See you March 5th at Hotel Utah!


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Some Friends Are Doing Things ...

Our buddies from Them Hills are out on tour (again!)
So, you know ... Check 'em out.
